That is why colds are so common and recurring and at times you feel as if you can never get rid of that one cold. And according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) kindergarten children get an average of 12 colds per year, compared to adolescents and adults who catch about seven per year. Please remember that younger children may not cover there mouths when they cough or when they sneeze so they pass the cold/or flu virus very easily.
What is the flu? It is a contagious viral respiratory infection that feels like a severe cold. The symptoms of the flu include high fever (over 100 °F), cough, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, muscle pain, and weakness. The flu is also called influenza.
How can you protect your family and yourself? Here are just a couple of hints we can all do.
- Washing your hands thoroughly and often
- Do not share towels, lipstick, toys, cigarettes, food, eating utensils, drinking glasses, etc. with anyone who maybe sick or showing signs of getting a cold.
- Try ti use an alcohol-based hand cleaner when soap and water are not available.
- Disinfect high-touch surfaces in your home, workplace, etc.
- Getting a seasonal flu vaccine is a great way to protect yourself against the flu viruses going around each year, see your doctor before flu session begins.
- Remember drinking plenty of water enables your body to better fight viruses
- Get enough sleep, getting enough sleep is essential for healthy immune function
Washing your hands a lot, and encouraging those around to do this as well, states Nancy Elder, MD, associate professor and director of research in the department of family and community medicine at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. Will help fight of the germs that cause the flu and cold.
You may not be able to completely prevent colds and flu this time of year, but by practicing good hygiene and being careful to avoid cold germs you may be able to just escape the cold and flu. But always remember to see your doctor if you notice any symptoms.
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