Above Link to Dr. Oz for more information and video.
There are 4 levels of skin aging. Addressing each level of skin aging maximizes your rejuvenation results. The dermis lies just beneath the skin’s surface and is made up of a network of collagen fibers that are linked together much like a chain-link fence. Sun damage and other aging factors act to cause these links to break. The skin loses tone, sags, and fine lines and wrinkles form.
Vitamin C is a powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant that protects collagen fibers from injury and builds new collagen that, in turn, helps firm the skin, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Food source: Everyone immediately thinks of an orange as containing the most vitamin C, however, a single serving of a sweet red bell pepper has more than twice the vitamin C and a third of the calories. One half-cup of raw red sweet pepper contains 142 mg of vitamin C and 20 calories. Compare this with one medium orange which contains 70 mg of vitamin C and 62 calories. Click here for Dr. Oz's vitamin C smoothie.
Natural Moisturizer for Dry Skin: Omega-3s
Dry skin lacks moisture; that’s obvious. But dry skin also leads to a disruption of the protective ceramide barrier, allowing skin cells to pull apart, moisture to escape, and further dehydration. Restoring the barrier with oils good for your skin can help protect the integrity of the ceramide barrier and reduce the risk of dry skin during the winter. Omega-3s are considered essential fatty acids (EFAs). They are necessary for good health and healthy skin, but the body cannot make them.
Food source: Fish, plant and nut oils are the primary dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids. Dry brittle hair, nails and dry, itchy skin all respond to a diet rich in omega-3s. One of the best places to find omega-3s is lake trout. One fillet of lake trout contains 1567 mg of om
A half cup of red bell pepper has only 12 calories, 1 gram of fiber, 1440 IU of Vitamin A, 1446 micrograms of carotenoids, and a whopping 87 mg of Vitamin C. It also has some Vitamin K as well. Vitamins A and C are powerful antioxidants which can help prevent cancer and other diseases, and Vitamin K helps prevent cells from oxidative damage. Although green bell peppers are also healthy, compared to their riper versions they're not as powerful. They only have 170 IU of vitamin A, 268 micrograms of carotenoids, and 37 mg of Vitamin C. With all of these health benefits red bell peppers should be a staple in our diets.
Adapted from Dr. Oz and other resources
Red peppers they are sweeter and riper than the green ones. Studies have proven that most red peppers contain more nutritive ingredients than the green peppers.
- Red Peppers can fight cancer. Red peppers are known to be full of anti-cancer substances, like lycopene (carotenoid). It is said to help in fight against the prostate cancer, as well as pancreas, bladder and cervix cancers, too. Another carotenoid found in red peppers, called beta-cryptoxanthin, has shown some potential as anti-cancerous medication for lung cancer treatment.
- Red peppers are rich in antioxidants, lowering the risk and preventing many heart conditions.
- Peppers, especially red peppers, may help you to reduce body weight. These vegetables are believed to possess certain substances which help to lose weight, by increasing body temperature and the body's need for oxygen.
- Red peppers are a great source of many necessary vitamins. Vitamin A, present in the peppers, is good for the eyes, improving the vision. It also affects cells in the body, bones,immune system and skin condition .
- Vitamin B complex is necessary for normal brain functioning. It affects metabolism of a body and assists in the process of converting proteins to energy. These vitamins help our immune system, and could ease the symptoms connected to stress or different illnesses.
- Vitamin E prevents cell damage, fighting heart problems and potential cancer.
- Half a cup of sliced sweet red pepper contains 87mg of vitamin C, which is actually more than your body needs. (Recommended Dietary Allowance or RDA for vitamin C is about 60mg per day for an adult). This vitamin boostis our immune system, helping it to prevent infections and cancers. Taking enough of vitamin C helps your body to absorb more iron from the food.
This information has been reviewed by
Dr. Peter Wang is MD with STIR (Special Training in Research) in Medicine from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
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