If you are a Ruler Shape then you’ll probably feel a little flat all over with very sutble hip, bum and chest. Fortunately though weight is not a huge issue as you have never been very over weight in your life however what is the real issue is just the overall lack of shape.
You can make dramatic improvement to your Body Shape by doing some gym work on a consistent basis. Here’s what a typical gym routine will look like for you;
Exercise Sets x reps
1a - Squats 4x10
1b - Lunges 4x8(each leg)
2a - Shoulder Presses 4x12
2b - Dumbell Rows 4x10
3a - Bench Step-ups with Dumbells 4x10
3b - Push-ups 4x10
Use a good decent heavy weight so that you really start to see some good shape being added to your body, particularly the gluteus and shoulders. On top of this, eat a high protein Diet to ensure you muscles grow.
Intensity of Exercise
Ruler Body Shape
In the body toning exercises outlined for Ruler Body Shapes above the intensity should be quite high. 1a and 1b should be done together straight off i.e do 10 squats then 8 lunges each leg straight after.At this point you can take a 45 second break and repeat this 4 times before moving on to the next exercises.
Duration and Frequency of my Workouts
Ruler Body Shape
The weight training routine should take no longer than 35 minutes if 45second rest periods are taken.
When should I undertake my Exercise
Pears & Rulers
Pear Body Shape require both Cardio and resistance training in their gym routines so the only place to complete this is in the gym.
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