Water safety Tips Part One

Know that we are approaching summer we must be very careful when going swimming at the pool or at the beach. We always hear of all the accidents that occur so it is always good to prepare and to learn to swim and have our children also learn.

"On a personal note a good friend of mine was just injured while at the beach he dived into the ocean and hit his head in a way that he became partial paralyzed and is now in recovery. Yes this was a mishap but he was one of the lucky ones he told me as he is here today to still be with his family and friends." So please lets all have fun this summer and be careful below are some helpful tips from the Red Cross and others.

Swim in areas supervised by a lifeguard.

Read and obey all rules and posted signs.

Children or inexperienced swimmers should take precautions, such as wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal floatation device (PFD) when around the water.

Watch out for the dangerous “too’s” – too tired, too cold, too far from safety, too much sun, too much strenuous activity.

Set water safety rules for the whole family based on swimming abilities (for example, inexperienced swimmers should stay in water less than chest deep).

Be knowledgeable of the water environment you are in and its potential hazards, such as deep and shallow areas, currents, depth changes, obstructions and where the entry and exit points are located. The more informed you are, the more aware you will be of hazards and safe practices.

Pay attention to local weather conditions and forecasts. Stop swimming at the first indication of bad weather.

Use a feet-first entry when entering the water.

Enter headfirst only when the area is clearly marked for diving and has no obstructions.

Do not mix alcohol with swimming, diving or boating. Alcohol impairs your judgment, balance, and coordination, affects your swimming and diving skills, and reduces your body's ability to stay warm.

Know how to prevent, recognize, and respond to emergencies.

Resources: Red Cross, Safety Kids,

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